60s Hula Hoop Girl✨


I’m a hula hooper, a vintage lover and a 60s child that was born in the wrong decade. My soul is free, though my spirit is longing to dance to The Monkee’s tunes. Because it’s tue, I am a believer. I want flowers around me. I want the peace that’s in my heart to flow to others around me. My mother taught me a lot about a time when I didn’t exist yet. However, she kept a piece of the past. Her vintage shop makes life so much brighter nowadays with all its old treasures that tell the stories I am craving to hear…

PHOTOGRAPHER Nirish Shakya @nizzah

MODEL & STYLIST Evelyn Williams @evelyn.hoops

WARDROBE Yellow dress: St Michaels / Patterned dress: JESTERS by Lee Cecil / Yellow mac: Diolen / Sunglasses: 70s Polaroids

LOCATION Regent's Park, London

STORY "Evelyn is a hula hooper who gets her supply of vintage wardrobe from her mum who owns a vintage clothing shop in Cornwall. So we decided do a story combining two of her passions - hula hooping and vintage fashion."